Thursday, August 16, 2007

Chapter One

I was standing on the stage, everybody’s eyes on me, yelling and screaming how much they loved my voice. But when I started to sing, the crowd didn’t go silent but instead went:
I mean I thought I sounded wonderful, with my rap version of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. But I guess it didn’t impress them like it did to everyone else. When I got off the stage, that’s when things got blackout.
“Wow, that dream sucked Aliyah.. I mean you and singing??
That’s a no, no, my friend, Steven, said looking at me laughing.
“Oh, shut up, Steven! Like you could sing any better.”
“Psh.. Yes I can!”
“Anyways.. it’s about 3 days left ‘till 7th Grade. Aren’t you excited Aliyah!?
“Not really.. I’m always the dorky girl with the glasses..”
“Don’t say that! I look twice as bad as you! HAHA!”
“Are you serious!!!??? You’re like the MOST POPULAR... and I repeat...the MOST POPULAR guy in school. Girls are always drooling all over you!”
“That may be true.. I mean with my handsome looks and everything, who wouldn’t drool over me?”
“Haha... Well someone’s getting a little too cocky, and what is that everything? And you just said you looked twice as bad as me.”
“Just kidding Aliyah, but why don’t you like me?”
“Steven… you were my best friend since we were practically in diapers! I know you too well to be drooling over you like all the other girls!”
“Was that an insult or a comment? Steven said, looking confused.
“I’m not so sure myself... Well I gotta get home, it’s getting dark. Bye Steven”
“Bye Aliyah! We’re going to meet here tomorrow again, right?
“Sure, see you then!”
As I walked away I couldn’t help myself but have that question Steven said stuck in my head. I mean... why don’t I like him? He’s cute and nice... and probably the only guy that talks to me in school.. Well. .maybe I do like him, but he’d probably never like me. I guess I’ll just keep quiet for now....

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